Top tips for Christmas shopping in London with a baby

Top tips for Christmas shopping in London with a baby

Posted by Babyzen on 4th Dec 2019

Christmas shopping trips to London while pregnant, with a new baby or an eager toddler can seem daunting, let alone when navigating one of the busiest cities in the world. So, these are our top tips to build confidence before travelling around London with a BABYZEN YOYO+ stroller.

1. Preparation is everything! Getting a bag of essentials for your child isn’t the only preparation you can do to make your journey easier. By using the TfL online journey planner, you can clearly plan your journey in advance including options to avoid steps and to locate toilets and baby changing facilities. The online journey planner can also tell you when the peak travel hours are, ideal if your journey times are flexible.

Babyzen Yoyo Shopping Centre

2. If you decide on a route with steps or an escalator, it might be easier to fold down your buggy and if you have a small baby, use a baby carrier to leave your hand free. BABYZEN’s unique foldable compact size, takes away the fuss and stress of carrying it down stairs or fitting it in confined areas. Simply fold and then sling it on your shoulder, leaving your hands free.

BABYZEN footmuff folds with stroller

3. Take your time getting on or off transport. Make sure your child is securely fastened into your BABYZEN and as there may be a step up or down, it can be easier to access the bus or train backwards.

Babyzen Yoyo in Public Transport

4. Once you’re on board - all buses, Tubes, trains and trams have clearly marked priority seats for anyone who needs them. If you’re pregnant, or carrying a young child, you can use a priority seat – ask if one isn’t available. If you’re a mum-to-be wear your Baby on Board badge to overcome any awkwardness or discomfort asking for a seat. Most Tube trains also have multipurpose areas suitable for buggies too.

Babyzen Yoyo Folded

5. Don’t rush. The TfL network can get warm, especially if you’re rushing, so slow down, wear layers that are easy to remove, and carry some water with you.

But most importantly, enjoy the journey. Exploring London can be a wonderful experience, especially during the Christmas time. Unleash your sense of adventure to navigate the city with comfort and ease of your BABYZEN YOYO+.

BABYZEN, the innovative brand behind the YOYO+ stroller - the first stroller accepted as cabin luggage on board of planes – has teamed up with TfL to support the Baby on Board badge and want to inspire and encourage all parents to embrace travelling and to share the enjoyment of exploring a city with their child.

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