Take a closer look at the Chicco Next2Me Bedside Crib

Take a closer look at the Chicco Next2Me Bedside Crib

Posted by Claire on 15th Feb 2018

We carry our babies for almost a year whilst pregnant, keeping them warm and safe with our breathing and heartbeat. They’re a constant companion and when they’re born, it’s a whole new world for them (and us too!) so naturally we want to keep our babies close when we’re sleeping too.

The Lullaby Trust states that the safest place for your baby to sleep is in a separate cot or moses basket in the same room as you, especially for the first 6 months, so could the Chicco Next2Me be the perfect solution to keep your baby close and safe all at the same time?

The Chicco Next2Me is the original side sleeping crib, specifically created to allow you and your baby to sleep side by side without having to share the same bed. It has become a must have products with parent’s worldwide and today we want to take a closer look at why parents love the Next2Me so much.

Out of the box the Next2Me is easy to assemble and safely connects to your bed using two belts that come in the box. The base legs can be folded in if you have a divan style bed and the crib can be adjusted to 6 different height positions to offer a truly perfect fit. Some other bedside cribs don’t have this feature which may leave you with a crib which is too high or low which you definitely don’t want!

Inside the crib there is a padded mattress, and the mesh window allows good ventilation for your little one. As mentioned earlier the Next2Me also has adjustable height positions so if you ever feel your baby is congested or suffering with colic then this could be helped by slightly raising one end whilst they sleep.

Once the crib is set up you are ready to go and from day one to approximately 6 months old, your little one can sleep in the Next2Me both day and night, it even comes with a travel bag for easy carrying when you go for nights away!

Whilst you and your baby are sleeping, all sides of the crib should be zipped up for safety however the mesh panel means your baby can still see you and whilst they are drifting off to sleep or feeding, the mesh side can easily be zipped down allowing you to settle your baby or easily pick them up to feed. By being close, hopefully both you and your baby will settle back to sleep easier, especially in those first few months when we all know sleep can be hard to come by!

Available in a range of colours, you are sure to find one that matches your space perfectly and be sure to check out the range of Next2Me accessories too!

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