Can I Take a Car Seat on a Plane?

Can I Take a Car Seat on a Plane?

Posted by Lucy on 24th May 2024

If you're traveling with a child, it's essential to consider their safety and comfort during the flight. By bringing your child's car seat, you can ensure that they are properly secured and safe during take-off and landing. Additionally, having their familiar car seat on the plane can also help reduce their stress and anxiety.

It's crucial to check with your airline before bringing your child's car seat on the flight to ensure that it's allowed. Additionally, it's important to note that the car seat must meet specific safety standards, such as being FAA or TÜV-approved, which guarantees its safety and effectiveness in an aircraft.

Before bringing your child's car seat on the flight, make sure to check for the "For Use In Aircraft" label or consult the list of approved car seats to ensure that it meets the airline's requirements.

Visit here for a list of child seats that are qualified for use in an aircraft.

Why take a car seat on the plane?

Strapping your baby into their own familiar car seat on the flight can bring a sense of comfort and calmness, not only for your baby but also for you and other passengers, resulting in a more peaceful journey. Additionally, using a car seat is the safest way for your baby to fly, as it provides a secure and stable environment in case of unexpected turbulence or emergencies.

If you plan to bring your baby's car seat on the plane, be aware that your child may require a separate seat, which may incur additional fees. It's best to check with your airline beforehand and ask about discounted fares for children, as some airlines may offer special rates for infants or toddlers.

Rules and Tips

  • Approved child seats typically have a maximum width of 44 cm (17"), making them suitable for most airline seats. However, to confirm compatibility, it's always a good idea to check with your airline beforehand to ensure a smooth and safe travel experience for your child
  • When booking your flight, it's a good idea to reserve adjoining seats to ensure a comfortable and safe travel experience for your child. Additionally, some airlines may have specific requirements for child seats, such as using them only in window seats to ensure the emergency exit path is not blocked in the event of an emergency
  • When booking your flight, be aware that child seats are not allowed in emergency exit rows, so it's best to avoid booking seats in these rows to ensure a safe and hassle-free travel experience for your child
  • If you're not able to book a ticket for your child, it's worth asking your airline if they allow you to use an empty seat. Some airlines may permit this, and by avoiding busy days and times, you may increase the chances of finding an empty seat next to you, making it easier to travel with your child

Checking in a car seat as baggage

It's a good idea to bring your child's car seat along on your trip, even if you don't plan to use it on the flight, as many airlines allow you to check it into the hold for free as part of your baggage allowance. This applies to toddler car seats, booster seats, and baby car seats, so be sure to check with your airline beforehand to confirm their policies.

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